THE PALETTE - Choosing between black and white.

All of us have ofcourse heard the famous proverb  that says "birds of the same feather flock together."
why is that so though? Let's discuss.
A sparrow is nurtured and taken care of by it's fellow sparrowmates (that's not really a word) but if that sparrow enters a murder of crows, as the name unintentionally intending a pun suggests, it would be murdered.
Why? because the crows don't know the value of it's existence. All that they are concerned about is fulfilling their personal malevolent motives.
Unfortunately or fortunately, humans are no different.
We flourish and grow in the environment that supports us and teaches us lessons essential for our living where as we descend back in every area of our mind and body when the environment does not support us and rather pulls us back. 
Oh and by no means I'm dismissing Darwin's theory of natural selection, Ofcourse "Survival of the fittest" i.e. the one who can adapt in various situations and types of environment survives, still stands true.
What I'm advocating here is the other aspect of his theory that says -  organisms compete with each other for survival.
Even though here survival refers to the fulfillment of core and basic needs like food, shelter, water etc but one cannot argue on the fact that in the present day, competition and survival has obtained a broader meaning among the middle and upper class.
Now it's for us to decide, do we want to step up our game and become fitter for adaptation by growing with and supporting the right players or do we want to get behind in the race by being surrounded by oblivious beings who probably aren't even aware of the competition or are into an unhealthy one.
therefore, it all comes down to knowing who and where you were, are and want to be.
That's how you'll attract the right energy around you.

To end, here's a metaphorical quatrain:

"Mix white with red and you'll get pink.
Mix black with red and you'll get black.
Black is for doom while pink is a concoction of love and peace,
The palette has it all so choose wisely please."

-By Aayushi Singh


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